Tag Archive | cultural influence

LPI Reflection

As a leader,  I constantly wonder how do I come across to people. More specifically do my  followers see what I try to portray.

Kouzes and Posner created the Leadership Practices Inventory, for anyone who wants feedback on their leadership style. They give you feed back on the five following practices;

1.) Model the way

2.) Inspire a shared vision

3.) Challenge the process

4.) Enable others to act

5.) Encourage the heart

When I first learned about these 5 practices, I thought that they were pretty standard when your talking about discussing. There were a couple    practices, that I would score low in. I was excited to find out how others.

When I first got my score back, my initial reaction was surprise. I was surprised to see the numbers. In some of the categories I rated myself lower, and in others I rated myself higher.  I was  really humbled to see my results.

After seeing my results I  thought of ways that I can bring personal meaning. I am going to look at the practices that I score myself higher than  what my observers did. I am going to make sure that i am making it more obvious that I am doing the actions that are under those categories.

One of the main challenges is going to be trying to make  some of these actions more obvious. There are some actions that I thought I made pretty obvious, but according to this 360 report, it isn’t obvious enough. For an example, I rated myself a 5 for setting a personal example of what  I expect from others. My observers rated me a 3.7. the challenge is going to be, how do I make this more obvious when I believe that I always do this.

An initial idea I have to use a practice more frequently  is educating myself on these practices a little bit more. i also want to find out ways to use them more frequently in my everyday life.

I plan on sharing this feedback with my hall council president.


Rainn Wilson

Rainn Wilson is a co-creator of the national sensation known as Soulpancake. Soulpancake strives to ask life’s big questions and inspire people. Soulpancake does this through many different ways; some of these ways are through Kid president, the science of happiness, soul pancake the book.

Rainn Wilson is a leader because he got people to participate with Soulpancake. He got people in the U.S to chew on life’s big questions. When he speaks about Soulpancake, he speaks with conviction; he makes you want to be a part of it. Something else that makes him a leader is that he had the courage to create this. People could have hated his idea, and criticized him.

People are motivated to follow him, because he has a good cause. His cause is inspiring people to be curious about life, love, happiness, spirituality. Etc. These are all thing that people are passionate about. People saw that the intentions of hos mission were pure, and could only bring about good things. I think this is the main reason why people follow him

I admire that Rainn is passionate about his mission. Whenever he talks about Soulpancake he lights up and is a joy to watch. This is something that makes people want to follow him. I admire that his mission is so successful.

I think people often forget that other people are human too, that everyone wonders the same thing at one point in time. Soulpancake gives people the opportunity/ tools to discuss these questions. This is how he has affected other people. Soulpancake has affected me to go out of my way to make people happier. Rain also inspires me to find something that I am passionate about.





Share a dream, encourage a dream ( resolution reflection)


51 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech in Washington, entitled “I have a dream.” His title was short but it had a very strong message that is still remembered and fought for today. Martin did what many people cannot do. He shared his dream, made people believe in his dream, and them took action and made his dream a reality. Imagine if everyone could do what he did; imagine if everyone had the courage, skills and attitude to do this.

Everyone has a dream no matter how small or how big, there is something in your heart that you would love to see happen in your life, and this simple fact got me thinking. Every day I talk to people, rather if its hi or an in depth conversation. So I thought, why not help encourage people’s dreams? So I came up with the phrase ” share a dream, encourage a dream.” This simply means that I will encourage people to tell me what their dreams are. During this conversation, I want to encourage them to never give up on their dream. I also want to help them in any way that I can. For example, I could give them information/ resources that could help them get closer to the dream that is in their heart. Also in this discussion I want to share my dream. When you share your dream with someone, you create an accountability partner, someone who can hold you to whatever you want him or her to. I want to paint a visual picture of my dream, and hope that they can add a tool in my tool chest to make it happen.

In 2014, as a leader I want to succeed in this small venture of encouraging people’s dreams. Success would mean that people would know that they could come to me with any thing they need encouraging on. I also want to tell as many people as I can about the dreams that I have and collect as many tools as I can from people.

Through this venture I want to make new friends. Meeting new people is something that I do on a daily basis, but it’s harder to make connections with people, so that you stick out in their memory, and can then start a friendship. I think a good way to make a connection with someone is to share something that is personal to you, and what is more personal than his or her dreams?

So in order for me to succeed in this:

Something I need is courage to do this. At times I get nervous to talk to people, for whatever reasons. I started to realize that I am truly an introvert, and that I prefer to be in a quiet environment doing work. But my dream does not include a work environment like that, so I need to used to working/ living in environments that are high energy and fast paced.

I will share advice/ information/ whatever it is that you need. I do not know everything, but I may know people who do, or how to find the information that you are looking for. I want to help other people succeed in their goals/ dreams/ aspirations.

Presidental Leadership

President Ross, The Central Michigan University president, came to speak to our leadership class, about his experiences with leadership. He told us his background story. He was a kid that lived on a farm, with a lot of siblings. He worked really hard and made it to the position he is at now. His story was very inspiring. He wanted everyone to know that no matter, where you came form, you can go anywhere in live, no matter what, as long as you work hard. I’m gonna apply this to my life, by not letting my childhood hold me back from anything. I could use any number of excuses, on why I don’t do something, but I would rather be successful in life.  It was really reassuring to hear President Ross say these things, because I see that it can really happen.
